Thursday, 21 March 2019

Error Analysis on Passive Voice in Oral Examination by Using Moving Sentence at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri.


Thesis Proposal
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A.       Title
Error Analysis on Passive Voice in Oral Examination by Using Moving Sentence at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri.
B.       Research Context
The English learners study about grammar at the school, college, or course because it is the material that will be included in every practice of English weather spoken or written. Moreover, they are still the young learner who only knows some vocabularies or expressions. Actually, grammar will be useless when it meets the culture, but no spoken and written practice of English is better without good grammar.
After learning grammar, the learner get the test to measure the result, because test is a method of measuring a person’s ability, knowledge, or performance in a given domain .[1] Every teacher, lecture or tutor has different way to give assesment for the members or students. He or she can use the written or oral examination, but the common way to score the grammatical mastery in grammar subject is written examination.
Actually, the grammar unit test has covered verb tenses. The curriculum specifies 45-minute test is to be divided into three sections. They are multiple choice items, fill in the blank items, and grammar editing task. All them refer to written examination.
In the fact, there are still many institutions such as some courses in Pare, Kediri using the oral examination. Here are the examples like Basic English Course (BEC), Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Happy English Course 2 (HEC 2) and Holiday Program that is conducted by Cambridge English Course (CEC) and Wavi Team. They have the oral and written examination for grammar, eventhough oral examination is uncommon way to use.
According to Lisiswanti, Oral examination is the assessment method of college student’s ability that uses ‘face to face’ with some examiners [2]. So it looks like the assesment model to measure speaking skill because of testing orally.
Talking about oral examination, it is not the easy test. Based on the courses above, only a few students get success in joining the exam. So that, the researcher is interseted in choosing the topic, so the result of researching can be used for avoiding the mistakes and solving the error.
This research differs from Rika Lisiswanti’s reaserch that focuses on the benifit and weakness of oral examination, espicially the Medical Education student. The result of researching is oral examination can still be used as a method of the assessment in medical education and it’s depends[3]. Here, the reasercher will try to find the student’s passive voice error to face it.
 Other research which was conducted by Badrus Shalih is also not same. Its result shows that there is an effect of question and answer exercises techneque by using picture on student’s English speaking skill at X  - C grade of SMAN 1 Pamekasan. It was proven from the value t0  (15.30) is higher than t1 (2,76). It also proved that the significant effect of question and answer exercises techneque by using picture on students English speaking skill is 99% because the value of t0 is higher than the value t1 in significant level of 1%.[4]
The following different research belongs to Daimatuz Zakiyah. Its result shows about errors in using simple past tense by Samar English Course students. Most students do errors. The kind of errors that appeared the most is archi-form with fifty seven errors. It is the most errors that happened in the study. It was followed by alternating form errors with ten errors, omission errors with eleven errors. Then, followed by simple addition with two errors and misordering  with one error. So, all of the errors amount to eighty one errors.[5] It also differ from what the researcher will do, because it focuses on the kinds of error in using grammatical morphemes (simple past tense).
Based on the statements above, this topic is good problem to research soon, in order to make every student knows the common errors and factors. That’s why, the problem can be solved soon and can menimize the unsuccess students in joining the grammatical oral examination, especially passive voice material.

C.      Research Problem
According to John W. Creswell, he said that research problem was general education issue, controversy, concern, in research that narrow the topic and help researcher to conducting study.[6] Here, a researcher has devided into two kinds, based on the topic in the research context above. They are:
1.    What are the student’s errors in passive voice oral examination at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri?
2.    What are the factors at student’s error in passive voice oral examination at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri?
3.    How does the tutor solve passive voice error based on his way at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri?

D.      Research Objective
According to John W Creswell research objective is a statement of intent use in quantitative research that specifies goals that investigator plans to achieve the study.[7] Research objective have same meaning with research problem but the objective is stated as the goal of the research problem that has to be achieved.[8] So, a researcher has two research objectives such as the researcher problem taken. They are:
1.    To identify the passive voice errors in oral examination at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri?
2.    To describe the supporting factors that makes passsive voice error in oral examination at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri, in order to solve the error.
3.    To explain the way to solve the problem that is done by tutor at Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri.

E.       Significant of Study
The significant of study refers to the benefit of research above. Here, there are two kinds to implent, such as the theoritical significant and practical significant. They are:
1.      Theorotical significant
a)      The result of this research can be used for the evaluation of Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri, espicially to avoid the student’s error in facing oral examination at its Basic Training Class (BTC) and Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program.
b)      The following usage is for reference that can be used by researcher that holds the mutual research.
2.      Practical significant
a)      Grammar teacher and tutor of Basic Training Class (BTC) and Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri, can know the student’s error and their factors to increase their score and understanding of grammar.
b)      Basic Training Class (BTC) and Candidate Training Class (CTC) Programe students can realize the errors and factors to change the method used in learning grammar in order to increase the score and understanding of grammar.

F.       Scope and Limitation
Scope is focus on the thing which intended to research by the researcher. Limitation is a potential weaknesses or problems with the study that identified by the researcher.[9]
Here, the scope that a researcher takes  focuses on A Class of Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri. The limitation is the grammatical errors that is founded in facing the oral examination at A Class of Candidate Training Class (CTC) Program in Happy English Course 1 (HEC 1), Pare, Kediri.

G.      Definition of Key Term
There are some key terms that reasercher uses in the study above. They are:
1.      Oral Examination is the test that is used by facing to face between student and eximer to measure the grammar understanding  by giving 4 questions that is no objection.
2.      Student’s error is the student that makes a mistakes in doing oral examination of grammar subject and the mistake it self.
3.      Passive voice error is the student’s mistake to change from active sentence to passive sentence of tense. 

H.      Riview Related Literature
To simplify the reader, the researcher will help by using any kinds of terms that will be explained bellow. They are related with topic discussed. It is about the error and examination. All of the terms bellow are the theories.
1.      Language Testing
a)      Definision
Language testing is the practice and the study of evaluating the proficiency of an individual in using a particular language effectivelly.[10] It means the test to measure the ability, espicially for language. All aspects of language testing will be covered to save best result and it will be same as expectation. It can be the grammar, pronountation, diction, intonation, cross culture understanding, etc.
b)     Characteristics of a good test
 In measering the ability of mastering language must be appropriate. So it will be good test and objective test. To know it is good or not. it must be characterisize. There are three kinds. They are,
1)      Reliability
It is clear from the foregoing that two somewhat  different types of consistency or reliability are involved:reliability of the test itself, and reliability of the scoring of the test. [11] it refers to the objectives and it can be believed. It can be tested also. So the test can be said reliability test.
2)      Validity
It is found to be based upon a sound analysis of the skills we wish to measure, and if there is suffecient evidence that test scores correlate fairly highly with actual ability in the skills area being tested, then we may feel reasinably safe in assuming that the test  is valid for our purposes.[12] The test mut be believed that is correct and can be used for the test.
3)      Practicality
It is a highly reliable and valid instrument but still be beyond our means or facilities.[13] It focus on the test or shape of test and also the orientation of test is mutual.
c)      Technique
To measure the ability of mastering language has many ways. Here the technique to do it are six kinds. They are,
1)      Translation
It was formerly one of the most common teaching and testing devices, and it remains quite popular today in many parts of the world.[14] It focuses on how to test by the way of trasfering language to other language by any kinds of tecjniques of translation.  Even the language changes, but the essence is still same as itself.
2)      Dictation
It is another testing device that retains some of its former popularity in certain areas.[15] It is same as the translation, but it can be written and oral, not only that it has many ways such as showing picture, listening  to song, etc.
3)      Composition
It is somewhat less frequently employed in foreign-language course now than formerly-at lest in this country-the rincipal reason is probably the growing ppopularity of the audio-[ingual method of teaching, not the long-standing objections of the ducaional-measurement.[16] This test is as like the examiner who gives the questions, but for the anwer can be composed by another answer and supported by the own reason.
4)      Scored interview
It is roughly parallel to the compisition as a measure of a students’ written language is the scored interview as a device for asseeing oral competence.[17] It is done orally. The examiner gives the question oarally not writtenly. He or she directly mention the question and it must be answered derictly. So the examiner will save or know the score based on the answer. It is suitable or not.
5)      Multiple-choice items
It is developed overcome a number of the weaknesses of the composition test that we noted earlier. Because of the highly structured nature of these items, the test writer can get directly at many of the specific skills and learnings he wishes to measure, and the examinee canot evade difficult promblems as he often can with compositions.[18] It is one of the tests that has any obtions. It means there is the question and for the answer will be mentioned also, but must be choosen before. Because only ane answer is correct.
6)      Short answer items
It is to combine some of the virtues of both multiplechoice and composition tests: the problems are short and highly strutured, yet they provide the examinee with the opportunity to compose his own answers.[19] This test is the test that has the question tath the answer is simple and not to long.
2.      Oral Examination
a)      Definision
Oral examination is the assessment method of college student’s ability that uses ‘face to face’ with some examiners.[20] It means the test is used by oral way to measure the ability of mastering language. It is done one by one, meaning the way is facing to face.
In other definition, Oral examination is a practice in many schools and disciplines in which an examiner poses questions to the students in spoken form.[21] It same as the previous examination but only does not mention the way is facing to face. But it is doen by oral way.
It can identify that is mutual tehcnique with scored interview. It can see from designing assessment task, especially responsive speaking. When ‘oral production assessment’ is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is an oral interview. Menaing that its designing assessment task of interview is a test administrator ant a test-taker sit down in a direct face-to-face exchange and proceed throught a protocol of questions and directives.[22]
Other side, it does not only talk about the designing classrom, but it supported by to make the question. the curriculum allow to do the concept. It can see from oral production section that is allow to design own oral interview protocol, and so you draft questions to conform to the accepted pattaern of oral interviews.[23]
The way to design the questions is moving sentence. It menas the change of tenses for tense material. But for other material as lika modal, it only changes the time from past to present or present to past. It can see on the theory that names gramatical transformation task. Meaning that, change the tense in a paragraph. How can it be in paragraph? Because, it is comes from assessing writing.

b)     Format
1)      Interview style. It means the examinee is quizzed on the general topics.
2)      Clinical style. It means the questions are specifically regarding diagnosis and treatment plans for a particular patient.
3)      Cognitive style. It is to require problem solving around specific cases.
4)      Role-playing style. It means the students assume various “roles” with the examinee.[24]
3.      Grammar
Discription of the structure of language and the way in which linguistics units such as words and phrases are combined to produce sentence in the language.[25] In this case, its material focuses on passive voice because it is based on program CTC HEC 1 at April.
The first explanations of passive voice focus on basic uses of the passive  and using and not mentioning the agent.
1.      Agent and instrument : a) The person who performs an action in a passive sentence is called the agent, introduced by by. The agent may or may not be mentioned. E.g. My handphone was found by one of the students at IAIN. b) An object which causes something to happen is called an instrument, introduced by with. E.g. Faiz was slapped on the face with Edy’s left hand.
2.      Verbs can not be passive : a) some of the transitive verbs can not be passive. They are become, like, suit, let, get, have, lack, resemble and fit (be the right size). E.g. this pen is had by me, the sentence is wrong, because the right one is this pen belongs to me. b) fall is an intransitive verb, so we need not use object. It can not be passive, becaise it is impossible to be passive voice. E.g the tree was fallen (false). It must be active such as  The tree fell (true).
3.      Unknown agent : there is nouse using agent, if the agent is unknown such as somebody and someone, etc. E.g. someone  stole my money becomes my money was stolen without using someone anymore.[26]
The second explanations of passive voice focus on Have and get something done,need doing, Passive get, Reporting verbs  and Verbs with prepositions.
1.      Have/get something done : This typically describes a service performed for us by someone else. E.g. a) I've just had/got my car serviced. b) I must get (have) my hair cut (there is a feeling that something must be done).
2.      Get can be used instead of be to form the passive in spoken language. E.g Ipul got cried at his home.
3.      Present reference : with verbs such as believe, know, say and think report people’s opinion. It is followed by present infinitive. E.g. the problem is known to confuse every person.
4.      Past reference : the verbs are such as present reference’s report people’s opinion. It is followed by past infinitive. E.g. Sitting in front of the door is believed to have been so difficult finding a couple.
5.      Continous infinitive: e.g Edy is said to be staying an england.
6.      Past reporting verbs : If the reporting verb is in the past, the past infinitive tends to follow. E.g People thought Sue had paid too much becomes Sue was thought to have paid too much.
7.      Ending a sentence with a preposition : Somebody broke into our house becomes Our house was broken into.[27]
4.      Errors
a)      Definition
Many linguists have defined differently what an error is based on their concept. Making error is the most natural thing in the world and it is evidently attached to the human being. An error is deviation in learner language which result from lack of knowledge of the correct rule.[28]
Grammatical errors accur when students make errors in using grammar, especially passive voice because this research focus on it. The date grammatical error does not comprise two but three sentence; what learners said, what they were attempting to say and what the native speaker would have said and written.[29]
b)     Type
1)      Error of Omission
Error of omission are indicated by the absence of an item that must appear in a well-from utterance. Some mo rphome or words in a sentenceare potential part of sentence for omision. Basically, there are two morphomes consist of a noun, verbs, adjective, and verbs. The second, types are grammatical that has a miror re in conveying the meaning of a sentence, include.[30]
-          Noun and verb inflection.(E.g.: the-s in ther-s)
Uncorrect : He always study every night
The correct : He always studies every night
-          Article (E.g.: a, an, the,etc)
Uncorrect : An beautiful panorama
The correct : A beautiful panorama
-          Verb auxiliaries (E.g.: is, am, are, etc)
Uncorrect : ‘She has brought books’ change to passive voice to be ‘ books has brought by her
The correct : books have brougth by her (correct change)
-          And preposition (E.g.: In, on, under, Etc)
Uncorrect : The book in the table
The correct : The book on table.
2)      Error of Additions
Error of addition are characteristic by the presence of an item which must not appear in well-formed sentence. It is the opposite of omssion. According to Duly  there are three types of addition errors :
-          Doubles Markings
Many additions errors are more accurately describe as the failure to delete certain not items which are required in some linguistic constructions.
E.g. : He doesn’t respects
Because the item rather than one are marked for the same feature, these types of addition error have been called double marking.
-          Regularization
The regularization errors that fall under the addition category are those in which a marker that is typically added to a linguistic item is erroneously added to the exceptional items of the given class. That do not marker.
E.g. : My uncle has many sheeps.
From utterance, the word sheeps is regulazatin in which the regular plural marker –s, respectivey, have been added to items which don’t take markers.[31]
-          Error of Misordering
Error of misordering occurs as there is incorrect placement of a morpheme or a group of morpheme in a sentence. These error occurrences are usually performed by students as they have had a good mastery in certain construction. The error of this kind is error of word order.
E.g.: You speak can English. So, the correct you can speak English.[32]
-  Errors of Misformation
Error of misformation occurs when the students use the wrong from of the morpheme or stucture in a sentence. In this case, student use and supply something in a sentence incorrectly.
-          Regularization error that fall under the misinformation category is those in which a regular marker is used in place of an irregular one and also in a comprehension of grammar.
-          Archi-form. The selection of one number of a class of the represent others in the class in common characteristic of all stages of second language acquisition. For example, the learner substitute does for are, do and is.[33]

I.         Research Method
The research method is to show the process of how the researcher re searches. The discussion bellow will make the reader and researcher understand more what the way to do. The contains are approach and kind or research, attendance of research, setting of research, data source, instrument of research, data analysis, and step of research.
1.      Approach and Kind of Research
Approach is the level at the which assumptions and beliefs about language and language learning are specified.[34] Then according to Donald Ary, qualitative research focuses on understanding social phenomena from the perspective of the human participants in natural settings.[35] The choosen method of research is suitable with the topic, so it is taken. Because qualitative research is an inquiry approach useful for exploring and understanding a central phenomenona.[36]
For the kind of research, the researcher will not use the descriptive. Its research means the research describe something and investigate of the situation, condition, events, activity, dan that result of data is explained in form of world in research report.[37]
2.      Attandence of Researcher
According to Amos Hatch the principle data for qualitative researchers are gathered directly by the researcher themselves. These data usually include field notes from participant observation, note from or transcriptions of interviews with informants, and unobtrusive data such as artifacts from the research site or records related to the social phenomena under investigation.[38]
So that, it is very important for researcher. It means the researcher must do it in order to know more detail. Why is it very important? It is because the researcher is as the research instrument.[39] So the researcher must be in the place or the location as a passive observer.
3.      Seatting of Research
In this research, the researcher will choose CTC Program of HEC 1, Pare Kediri. Because that institutation always does it. It means the oral examination has been used to being done there. Other reason is because the course becomes a reference or the example many courses in Pare Kediri.
4.      Data Source
The main source of data in qualitative are some words and actions, document and another are as the primary source of data.[40] Then according to Suharsimi Arikunto, Data source is a subject where the data can get from.[41] He also defines data source is a subject which the data will be taken.”[42]
Data sourse can be said it is very important and must be approprite for the target. In conducting this research, the researcher will decide that the data sourse will come from the CTC Students of HEC 1 Pare Kediri as subject and the Tutors who come from Mastering System Program of HEC 1 or Teacher of CTC Programe in HEC 1 Pare Kediri.
5.      Instrument of Research
Instrument of research is very important, because the data will get from that ways. It is same as data collection which means one of the ways to collect and to get valid information. Data collection is more than simply deciding on whether will observe or interview people.[43] Here the researcher has three kinds of instrument that will be used. They are observation, interview, and documentation.
a)      Observation
Observation is an activity to focus all five senses to the subject of research.[44] So the researcher will be the observer in this research by coming to the class to know derictly the situation and condition.
1.      Participant observer is an observational role adopted bay researcher when they take part in activites in the setting the observe.
2.      Nonparticipant observer is observer who visits a site and records notes whitout becoming involved in the activities of the participatns.[45]
A researcher can collect data from observing. In this research, the researcher will observe student’s passive voice errors in oral examination at CTC Program of HEC 1, Pare Kediri. The researcher wil come the the location as passive observe or nonparticipant observer.
b)      Interview
It occurs when researchers ask one or more participants general; open ended questioned and records responses on the survey. There are two kinds of interviewing, namely structured interview and unstructured interview.
1)      Structured interview
The structured interview used as a technique of data collection. It is done if the researcher knew the information will be gotten. In this type of interview the researcher prepare a research instrument like questions and answers to give several correspondents with the same questions.
2)      Unstructured interview
Unstructured interview is free interview where the researcher does not use manual interview systematically and complete. The interview only asks the point problem will be asked.[46]
The researcher will use structured interview to collect the data. The targets are CTC students of HEC 1 and tutor of TC in HEC 1 or teacher of CTC in HEC 1. The questions must have been prepared befor interviewing.
1)      Do you always use oral examination to meusure the student’s gramatical mastery?
2)      When do you conduct grammatical oral examination?
3)      Hom many questions do you give the students?
4)      What mistake dod your students always make?
5)      In your experince, what factor makes your students do mistake?
6)      How do you solve that problem?
7)      After doing oral examination, Why do you only infor the score whitout mentioning the mistake to your students?
8)      How do your students know the mistake in order to solve it?
c)      Documantation
It consists of public and private records that qualitative researcher can obtained about a site or participants in a study, such as news paper, minutes of meeting, personal journals, or diaries.[47]
The documentation is very needed to make the data gotten has authentic proof in this research. The researcher collects the data such as photos of the activities during oral examination happens in the class, the student’s result of oral examination, especially for the grammatical errors.
The documantations used are
1)      Photos.
2)      The ttendance list of CTC students in HEC 1.
3)      The report of oral examination.
6.      Data Analysis
Data analysis is the process of systematically searching and arranging the interview transcripts, field notes and other materials, that the researcher accumulates to increase her own understanding of them and enable you to present what you have discovered to others.[48]
a)      Data Reduction
In this case all information that is got from observation, documentation and interview, will be summarized and then the research will choose the important data. Here the researcher focuses on the important data and the researcher finds the appropriate term and pattern.
b)      Data Display
After the data is reduced, the researcher will display the data that the researcher be easy to understand anything that happens and plan to next step based on the previous understanding.
c)    Drawing Conclusion/verification
The following,  the researcher displays the data and  will take conclusion/verification based on the data display, the researcher writes a conclusion based on the data that the researcher gets from observation, interview and documentation.
7.      Data Validity
Validity is the development of sound evidence to demonstrate that the intended test interpretation (of the concept or construct that the test is assumed to measure) matches the proposed purpose of the test.[49] In this research, the researcher uses triangulation to verify the data. There are three kinds of triangulation are source triangulation, technique triangulation, and time triangulation. But this research uses triangulation of data sources and triangulation of data collecting data.
a)      Triangulation of data sources
b)      Triangulation of collection technique
c)      Trianggulation of time
In this case, the researcher uses source triangulation, because the source of data comes from the BTC students of BEC and  the MS tutor of BEC and the BTC teacher of BEC. In this case, the researcher compares the result of observation and the result of interview to gain the data validity.
8.      Step of Research
There are 8 steps which researcher will do in finishing this research. They are,
1.    Researcher will come to HEC 1 Pare Kediri
2.    Researcher meets with the Director of BEC to give permiting letter observation that is given by IAIN Madura.
3.    The researcher will visit the TC tutor and CTC teacher to permit and confirm about the will coming there and also show the recomandation of BEC director.
4.    The researcher will observe the process of oral examination in CTC Programe of HEC 1.
5.    Researcher wiil take picture to get the proof in supporting the validity of data.
6.    The researcher will interview the tutor and teacher about the errors and students about the factor and the common error.
7.    Researcher will analysis the data gotten from all of instruments that used in the process of research.
8.    The researcher will make the conclusion from the data.

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[1] H. Douglas Brown and Priyanvada Abeywickrama, Language Assesment Principles and Classroom Practices, Second Edition, (United States of America: Pearson Longman, 2010), p.3
[2]  Rika Lisiswanti,The Benifit and Waknesses of Oral Examination in Medical Education, the article in Department of Medical Education, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Lampung .
[3] Ibid.,
[4] Badrus Shalih, The Effect Question and Answer Exercise Techneque by Using Picture on Student’s English Speaking Skill at Tenth C Grade of SMAN 1 Pamekasan.
[5] Daimatuz Zakiyah, An Error Analysis On The Use of Grammatical Morphemes (Simple Past Tense) On Students Speaking Skill AT Samar English Course Kalianget, Sumenep.
[6] John W. Creswell, Educational Research Planning Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research ( University of Nebraska Linclon: PEARSON, 2012) p. 59
[7] Ibid, P.111
[8] Mohammad Adnan Latief, Research Methods In Language Learning An Introduction, (Malang: Universitas Negeri Malang, 2015). P.27
[9] Creswell, p. 199
[10] Glenn Fulcher, What is Language Testing?, accessed on http://language at 22.51 PM on Friday, 26 May 2017
[11] David P. Harris, Language Testing As a Second Language, (United State: McGraw-Hill, 1969), P. 14
[12] Ibid, P.19
[13] Ibid, P. 21
[14] Ibid, P. 4
[15] Ibid, P. 5
[16] Ibid., P. 6
[17] Ibid., P. 6
[18] Ibid., P. 7
[19] Ibid,. P. 8
[20] Lisiswanti, The Benefit and Weakness of Oral Examination
in Medical Education.
[21] No writer, Oral Exam, accessed on at 12.12 on Saturday, 27 May 2017.
[22] H. Douglas Brown and Priyanvada Abeywickrama, Language Assessment Principles and Class Romm Practice, (No Place: Pearson Longman, 2010), P.207
[23] Ibid, 65.
[24] No writer, Oral Examination, accessed on  at 12.31 on Saturday, 27 May 2017.
[25] David Nunan, Second Language Teaching and Learning, (Boston:Heinle Publisher, 1999), P. 97
[26] Michael Vince and Peter sunderland. Advanced Language Practice. (Macmillan.2003), P. 33-34.
[27] Ibid P. 40-41
[28] Creswell, P. 105
[29] Rod Ellis, Second Language Acquition (USA: Oxford University Press, 1985), P. 10
[30] Dulay Kart and Krashen, Error Analysis in Teaching English, (USA: Oxford Univercity Press, 1982), P. 146
[31] Ibid, 156
[32] Ibid, 157
[33] Ibid, 158
[34] Jack C. Richard, et al., Approaches and Methods in Language Teaching, (United Kingdoom: Cambridge University Press, 1986), p. 15
[35] Donald Ary and Jacob Lucky, Introduction in Research in Education (Canada: Nelson Education,2006),P,22.
[36] Creswell, P. 626.
[37] Suhasini Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, (Yogyakarta: Reneka Cipta, 2010), P.3
[38] J Amost Hatch, Doing Qualitative Research in Education Setting, State University of New York Press, 2002, p. 7
[39] Lexy J. Moleong, Metodologi Penelitian Kualitatif, (Bandung, PT Remaja Rosdakarya, 2008), P. 9.
[40] Arikunto, p. 172
[41]Ibid  P. 172
[42]Ibid  P. 21.
[43] Creswell, P. 204
[44] Ibid.
[45] Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Kuantitatif Kualitatif R & D. (Bandung : ALFABETA,   2011.), P. 145.
[46] Arikunto, P. 270.
[47] Ibid.,P. 199
[48] Sugiyono, P. 334
[49] Creswell, P. 630.