Sunday 3 November 2013

Tutorial - Nut Modelling

Tutorial: Modelling standard metric nut. The dimension shown in this tutorial would follow standard dimension for size M3 nut. For any other size of nut, please refer here.

Feature used: Extrude boss/base, Extrude cut, Revolve, Chamfer.

1. Open up SolidWorks and click New > Part
2. On the Family Tree, right click on the Top Plane and select sketch.

3. On the Sketch ribbon, select the Polygon button. On the Polygon option, enter 6 on the Number of Sides field.

4. Sketch a hexagon and give enter the dimension using Smart Dimension such that you obtain a sketch as shown below.

5. Extrude boss/base the sketch with the Mid-Plane end condition, extrusion depth of 2.4. You would get something like shown below.

6. Select the top surface of the nut, right click and select sketch.

7. Sketch a circle with the same center as the hexagon and using smart dimension, give the diameter as shown below.

8. Perform Extrude Cut with Through All end condition. Your model is shaping up!

9. On the Family Tree, select the Front Plane > right click > Sketch
10. Draw a vertical center line at the center of the coordinate and sketch that looks like below.

11. Perform Revolve Cut with the vertical center line as your center of rotation.
12. Select Chamfer, and select the two edges of the center hole. Put 0.3 on the chamfer size.

13 And your model is done! Congratulation!