Saturday 5 April 2014

SolidWorks - Creating Plane

On the creation of new parts, by default the parts would have three default planes automatically created by SolidWorks, which are the Front Plane, Top Plane, and Right Plane. 

If required, additional planes can be created by selecting Insert > Reference Geometry > Plane. Or it can be accessed directly from the Features ribbon. 

To create plane in SolidWorks, users can specify up to three references to create the new plane. The reference can be either an existing plane, surfaces, edges, axis, or a point. A few example of commonly used reference is shown below.

1. Offset from existing plane

Only one reference is required. New plane that is created is parallel to the initially selected plane at specified distance. Commonly used for loft feature.

SolidWorks Plane Offset
Plane created at 50 mm away from the Top Plane

2. Plane at an angle from existing surface

Two references are required, one is a plane or a surface and another is an axis or an edge. The axis/edge selected would be the intersection of the two planes.

SolidWorks Plane Offset Angle
Plane at 30 degree angle from the selected surface

3. Plane that pass through three points

Three references points/vertex are required. The plane created will pass through all the three points.

SolidWorks Plane Three Points
Plane passing through all three selected vertex