Friday 21 November 2014

How to Make Money from CAD software?

Doing a 3D modelling could be a hobby for some people, like me. But some people might be wondering, how we could turn the hobby to opportunity to earn extra money?

Here is few example how we can capitalize your skill to earn side income:

1. Crowdsourcing Challenge on CAD community 

Right now, there are quite a number of CAD community out there for CAD user to meet another enthusiast.

GrabCAD for example, is one of the oldest online CAD community that exists on the internet world. Just like Facebook, GrabCAD allow user to share their CAD model, like other people models, contribute rendering of other people model, and even answer Q&A in the forum. 

Other companies could use these communities to crowdsoure for technology innovation or solution. One of the most famous example was when technology giant General Electric (GE) used this platform to crowdsource for their jet engine bracket design. The price for this challenge could reach up to US$8,000 if you take the first place home. That is quite a big amount of money for side income! 

There is quite a couple more platform for CAD crowdsourcing. Desall and CGTrader is another example to add few names to the list. Looking at the trend now, Crowdsourcing is getting more and more popular. So expect for some new name appear in the market.

2. Selling your CAD model

This might sound a bit crazy at first. Who wants to buy your CAD model? As crazy as it sounds, there is actually a community that allow you to sell your CAD model. 

CGTrader probably is the pioneer of this community. User could upload their CAD model and other people could download the model for a certain amount of money. This community continue to grow strong as the cost of 3D printing getting cheaper and cheaper. For example, a designer might be interested in designing iPhone cover. Other user found that the design is unique and is willing to pay certain money to get it printed.

3. Freelance job

If you are looking for something more mainstream, you could look for for freelance job. There is plenty of platform to search for freelance job. Odesk, freelancer, and Elance is just to name a view example. Getting one might be quite a challenge due to steep competition, so create your portfolio, and get ready for the interview!