Friday 7 April 2017

karakter hewan - hewan

Character of the Animals

Bull (Banteng) 

 Although some Banteng able to weigh up to one ton but the average Males have a weight range between 600-800 kg. While the female weighs Bull and a smaller size. The bull has a pair of horns on his head whose length ranges from 60-75 cm. The skin of the lower leg, hump, and the area around the eyes and mocong white bull. At Bull androgynous males have blue skin blackish or dark brown with a hump on the shoulders and horns melengkung upwards. While the bull females have reddish brown skin without hump and horns that leads into. Banteng live in groups with a herd number between 2-40 individuals with the Males. Bulls young males live alone or in small groups footman. Banteng is generally active both at day or night.

Goat (Kambing)

Goats are very intelligent and like to find out. He was also very coordinated and widely recognized for its ability to climb and balance the body in places that are very dangerous. Hence, the goat is the only ruminants are able to climb trees, although the tree was supposed to be quite inclined to be achieved. Caused dexterity and nature always want to know this, goat known for coming out of the cage by climbing the fence and confinement intentionally or solely for the pleasure of climbing. If the goat fence broken, broken, or overcome by any means whatever, then the goat is almost certainly going to escape. Due to high intelligence, he was able to see the weakness of a cage, a goat seekor will use it repeatedly, and goats others will notice and quickly learn it the same way. By the nature of intelligent and want to know the goats suspected of anything new or unfamiliar in their environment, especially by touching the upper lip and the tongue are gripping. That is why the goat suspect objects such as buttons, clothing and so on with a bite or eat it. Goats are taken care of in an organized manner less inclined to converge versus sheep, even if were looking to eat undisturbed, flocks tend to be scattered to the corners of the fields or courts than the adjacent eating right as do sheep. Goats nursing let their children run freely than-convene the meeting as sheep. Goats usually turned and faced penceroboh, and goats are more likely to attack humans or gore than ram.

Lion (Singa)

Lion habitat in the desert. These animals belong noktural, 20 hours a day lying on the rocks or under a shady tree. Each group consists of 1-6 male tail, female tail 4-15. The territory of a group of between 20-400 km2. If the food runs out, the lioness full day in search of food while expanding territory. The task is to protect the male lion male lion female of another group, and keeping the territory. When seize territory another group, another group of males who seize the lion will kill children who were in the group who seized. Male lion running speed is 58 km / h. The food is meat, usually preying on large mammals weighing about 50-500 kg. In addition, lions also prey on small mammals such as birds, reptiles, and insects. Lions usually hunt during the night, but if in the long grass which could cover the body can hunt during the day. Typically, lioness hunting and hunted monopolized male lion.

Dog (Anjing)

Dogs are social animals, but the personality and behavior of dogs can vary depending on each race. In addition, the personality and behavior of the dog depends on the treatment received from the owners of the dogs and the people who communicate with the dog. Dogs that received the violence from the owner or by deliberately starving dog can be quick-tempered and dangerous. Owners who fail to educate a dog can lead a dog's behavior is abnormal Not infrequently, dogs less attention from the owner and less education be like biting people or attack other animals.

Elephant (Gajah)

 In general symbol of the elephant symbolizes power and strength of libido. Trust the people of India consider elephant as a pillar and support of the universe. In the royal procession in the Indian elephant is a vehicle that is ridden by kings and queens. Besides the elephant also symbolizes the cloud symbol because the color is gray.In medieval times the elephant symbolizes wisdom, moderation, immortality, and mercy.

Giraffe (Jerapah)

 Giraffes in Latin Giraffa camelopardalis, male giraffe height can have 4, 8 up to 5.5 meters. An amazing size of this animal. Her feet level, long neck. This is an even-toed mammals is a species of land animals in the world. A giraffe with a high approaching 16.5 feet (5 meters), is one of the largest creatures. To defend themselves, these animals have to send blood to the brain which is 6.6 feet (2 meters) above the heart. As a result, the heart of the giraffe must be strong enough to pump blood pressure of 350 mmHg. This powerful system, which in general can kill people, consisting of a special room, and wrapped with soft tissue to reduce the deadly result. The specialty of the neck and a long tongue is "adaptation" in the diet. Both serve to reach the top young leaves in the canopy pepohon. Its a bit difficult for giraffes is when he would drink from streams or ponds. He was forced to bend, and bend her legs to straddle can enjoy the cool water. Adaptable nature adaptation- giraffe-on time is evidence that the giraffes are always ready with all its conditions change so fast though.

Dolphins (Lumba � Lumba )

 In some symbol depicting a dolphin with a pattern of two dolphins twins with the position one above and the other below, and it symbolizes the dual flow of cosmic involution and evolution. Dolphins are interpreted as a symbol of salvation inspired by ancient legend that dolphins are man's best friend. Figure dolphins also commonly made wrapped around the anchor with the aim reminded to always be cautious.

Frog (Katak)

 Animal transition between land and water for the living in two worlds. Some legends say frog animals came from the moon. Frogs are also considered as determinant of rain. For the people of ancient Egypt frog is considered as carriers of fertility. This is based on their presence in the Nile before an overflow of the river in fertility. According to Blavatsky, amphibious nature and make frogs appear and disappear as one of the main creatures in the idea of creation and resurrection. Frogs are also symbolizes the pinnacle of human evolution that is reinforced by the folklore of frogs incarnate.

Snake (Ular)

 Physical limitations do not hinder the movement of lively when on the ground or while climbing. It made it was hailed as a symbol of tenacity, strength and simplicity. Indian snake is highly revered as a sacred animal because it is considered as the guardian of the springs of life and immortality. Because the shape of the winding, the snake is considered a symbol of wisdom and a great mystery. A negative view of the snake is a snake is a symbol of the destruction of this occurs when the era of ancient Egypt when Moses holding the stick that could become a snake leave Egypt and cross the Red Sea then all the power of the Egyptian army drowned in the Red Sea join. The snake is a symbol of the teaser, this is supported by the writings of the Bible which states role in human original sin by Adam and Eve caused by the temptation of the serpent.

Bat (Kelalawar)

A lot of misconception about bats because of the nature of these unusual animals that perform activities and activities at night. In China Bats thought to symbolize happiness and longevity. Western society antiquity Bats assume approximately the same as the dragon and is classified as a hermaphrodite or hermaphroditic creature. The shape of its wings are always implicated in matters relating to hell.

Wolf (Serigala)

For the Romans and ancient Egyptians The wolf is a symbol of courage. Wolves are also considered to be incarnated as a guard at any big events. In Norse mythology society is said to be the envy seekor named Fenris wolf who managed to destroy the iron chain and go into the bowels of the earth. Where at dusk, out of the bowels of the earth where the wolves live the evil giant who would then swallow the sun. From this story, the wolf is considered as the epitome of evil for the Nordic community.

Bear (Beruang)

In the science of alchemy or science on in Western societies fashioned, Bear is nigredo (Nigredo, or darkness in the alchemy means decay or decomposition. The alchemists or alchemists believe that as a first step in achieving the philosopher's stone all ingredients alchemy must be cleaned and cooked extensively for blackness) of the main ingredients in animal science of alchemy to symbolize all kinds of ways and instincts. Based on that understanding, the bear then regarded as something dangerous and cruel. Bears are also regarded as animals that came from the moon and is a friend of the Goddess of the Forest.

Eagle (Burung Elang)

Generally associated with things that are spiritual, position or a high position and unyielding spirit that continues to burn like the sun continues to shine. In ancient Egyptian writings letter A is described as a hawk who served as warmers and an early marker of the day. Eagle is a bird who throughout his life always filled with sunlight and therefore at the core of these animals are considered to have a light that is divided into elements of air and fire. The comparison to the owl is considered a kegelapan bird and symbol of death. Eagle also symbolizes a father, courage, speed, flight, associated with lightning and thunder. Eagle also symbolizes the god of war and power. Eagle is often depicted with lion-head, it symbolizes strength and power in the air like a lion on the ground. In America in the time before Columbus, eagles have the same symbolism, indicating a struggle between the spiritual and the principles of heaven and the underworld. This symbolism force on Romanesque art. In ancient Syria, eagle-armed man symbolized the worship of the sun. It symbolizes the immortal soul. In Christianity, the eagle is regarded as a messenger from heaven. In the Greek tradition, the eagle is believed to be able to fly higher than other birds, and therefore is considered as the most appropriate expression of divine glory.

Cow (Sapi)

 The cow is the most important livestock as a source of meat, milk, labor and other needs. Cows produce about 50% of meat in the world, 95% and 85% of dairy skin needs. Cows come from the family Bovidae. as well as bison, bison, buffalo (Bubalus), African buffalo (Syncherus), and dwarf buffalo. Broadly speaking, the nations of the cow (Bos) contained in the world there are two, namely the groups that come from Zebu cattle (Bos indicus) or the type of cattle that humped, which originated and spread in the tropics as well as groups of Bos primigenius, scattered in sub-tropical or better known as the Bos Taurus. All cows are bred benign or derived from cow Bos taurus and Bos indicus berkelasa not the origin of the wild descendants of the extinct wild ox of Southeast Asia and Bos Bos gaurus bull and of the cross of two or three types. All of which can be mutually inter bertangkar cattle and fertility of different rank. Some of the earliest evidence of the start diternakkannya cows are in southern Turkestan 8000 years BC. Cows future it is of bovine origin of the nation's long horns Hamit type, there is also evidence in the same place 2000 years later that there Bos brachyceros or type short horns. Types of long-horned cattle and short of this is the origin of Bos taurus cattle in the world today

Dragonfly (Capung)

 A dragonfly has two large compound eyes that take up most of his head. Dragonflies have long, delicate, transparent membrane wings and some have a light yellow color near the end. Their bodies are long and slender and they have a short antenna. Dragonflies are very colorful, such as green Darner dragonfly has a green head da blue segmented abdomen. Some like Comet Darner red and yellow like Emerald darning. Dragonflies breath through spiracles which small holes are located on their abdomen. They can beat any pair of wings together or separately and rear wings they can get out of phase with the front wing. Beat their wings about 50-90 beats per second. Dragonflies have a complicated neck muscles that allow them to tilt their head to the side to 180 degrees, return 70 degrees and 40 degrees down.

Bees (Lebah)

If you asked a question about what the best animals ever created by God? The answer is not a cat or dog, but the Bees. Why is that? For almost all the animals do is always good. Let easy to explain, this is the good qualities of a Bee, Bees only eat good food, the honey of the flower. After sucking honey, bees will leave something useful, which helped pollinate the flowers. One of the astonishing facts about the animal are bees never damage the flowers that he hinggapi. Even supposedly until now there has never been a single leaf that falls caused by the bees, Bees only sting when disturbed. Bees have one queen bee and always obedient to the queen. Small insects produce something very useful for humans, namely honey.

Ants (Semut)

 Many people assume that the ants include animals weak, small, and (almost) useless. If you think so, immediately pull back your words. Because despite being small, but there are still good that can emulate nature of the beast that exists almost everywhere this. Social life and mutual help yourself Ants can not be denied anymore. They will help each other if there is one ant in distress. Similarly, when can the food. Troops lined Ants will bring the food to be eaten or stored. Not to mention when you think there are ants often collide. Actually they are not colliding. The truth is they greet each other when they met. Then how the social life of human beings today? Please ponder and look at yourself.