Wednesday 16 May 2018



Presented to fulfill Teaching Learning Theories’ Midterm Test
Lecturer: Mrs. Eva Nikmatul Rabbianty, M.Pd.

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            Lawrence Kohlberg was born in Bronxville, New York on October 25, 1927. He was a 20th century psychologist known primarily for his reaserch into moral psychology and development. Lawrence Kohlberg received his Ph. D. in psychology from the University of Chicago in 1958. His dessertation was based on his reaserch into the moral choices of adolescent boys and led to a life devoted to exploration of moral and ethical development in young people. In 1962, he returned to the University of Chicago as an assistant professor. Over several years he worked as an associate professor and director of Child Psychology at Harvard University between 1968 and 1987.
            Kohlberg married Lucy Stigberg in 1955, and the couple had two sons. Kohlberg died of an apparent suicide in 1987, after a long battle with depression coupled with painful symptoms from a tropical parasite he had contracted in Belize in 1971.
            Kohlberg’s stages of moral development were influenced by the Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget’s stages based theory of development. He expanded on Piaget’s two stages, identifying ssix stages of moral development. He argued that correct moral reasoning was the most sagnificant factor in morl decision making, and that correct moral reasoning would lead to ethical behavior. Kohlberg bealived that individuals progressthrough stages of moral development just as they progress through stages of cognitive development. Kohlberg’s theory of moral development included three levels and six stages. To determine which stage of moral development his subjects were in, Kohlberg presented them with invented moral dillemas, such as the case of a man who stole madicine for his sick wife. He thought that, few people reach stages five and six, most tend to stay at stage four.
            Al-Attas who had the full name Prof. Syed Muhammad Naquib Al-Attas is the one of ahlul bait groups of Prophet (the descent of Prophet Muhammad SAW.), but not syiah. His family’s tree can be known untill thousand years to previous family through family’s tree of sayyid in Ba’alawi’s family in Hadramaut to Imam Husein ra., the beloved grandson of Prophet Muhammad SAW.
            Naquib al-Attas was born in Bogor, West Java on September 5, 1931. His mother’s name is Syarifah Raquan al-‘Aidrus, she was from Bogor, West Java who was ningrat of Sunda in Singapore. See the family’s tree of her , it’s called as al-Attas was “excllent-seed” in intelectual development of Indonesia and Malaysia. That was the factor of the family intern that made the base character of himself.
            He had studied at University of Malaya in middle of 1960s and he also had sent by Malaysian goverment to continue his study at Institute of Islmaic Studies, McGill Canada. Then he got chance to continue his study at School of Oriental and African Studies, London University which was known as the center of oriental community. From some works that he created, the authority of his knowledge, especially in Melayu culture subject, al-Attas was avowed as the best thinker in Islam by thinker community not only in Asian regency, but also in international community.
Kohlberg Perspective 
            As we know as before that Kohlberg’s theory was based on moral development principles of Piaget finding. He had done interviews to number children with some questions uniquely. One of the interviews was Kohlberg presented them with invented moral dillemas, such as the case of a man who stole madicine for his sick wife. There was a husband, namely Heinz that had a sick wife and she was dying. His wife just could be cured by new medicine that was created by apothecary. The medicine was sold expensively because it was only the one. In other side, Heinz had no enough money to buy it. So, should Heinz steal the medicine? Was stealing medicine right or wrong? Was the kind wife stealing? The purpose of the interview was to invetigate the real thinking of moral in order that the children became respondent to answer sthe questions about moral dillemas. Expanding on Piaget work, Kohberg determined that the process of moral development was principally concerned with justice, and that it continued throughout the individual’s lifetime, a notion that spawned dialogue on the philosophical implications of such research.
            Moral development theory in general psychology, Kohlberg has three levels and each level has two stages, namely:
Level 1 : Pra Conventional
          This is the lowest level in Kohlber’s theory of moral development. In this level, child does not show up the moral value intern, moral just be handled by giving (gift) and external punishment. We can say in other word that the rules are controlled by other people (external) and the kind behavior will be given a gift opposite the bad behvior will get punishment.
Stage I: orientation of punishment and obedience. Moral reasoning is based on punishment and obedient because adulties gudge them to obey (how can I avoid punishment?)
Stage II: individualism and purpose. Moral reasoning is based on giving (gift) and importence of themselves (what’s in it for me?, paying for a benefit)
Level 2: Conventional
It is the level intermediate individual internal where someone obeys the standarts (internal), but they do not obey the other standarts (external), like parent or other people rules. This level is characterized by an acceptance of society’s convention concerning right or wrong.
Stage III: interpersonal accord and comformity. Interpersonal norms where someone appreciates on truth, caring, and loyalty one onather as the moral consideration base (social norms, the good boy/girl attitude).
Stage IV:  authority and socialorder obidience driven. In this stage, the moral reasoning is thus beyond what individual need for approval exhibited in stage three, in other hands society have to know what the individual need. It is important to obey laws, desicions and convention of society in order to their importance in maintaining a functioning society (law and order morality).
Level 3: Post Conventional
This level is the highest that known as principled level. People who exhibit post-convertional morality view rules as useful but changeable mechanisms idealty rules can maintain the general social order and protect human rights. The rules must be obeyed without any questions.
Stage V: there are many differences of opinions between individuals, everyone has the different opinion each other. So that, there are different rights and values in each person. Laws will be regarded as social contracts rather than discipline edicts. Goverment is ostensibly based on stage five reasoning.
Stage VI: universal ethical principles driven. Moral reasoning is based on abstract reasoning using universal ethical principles. Laws are valid only insofar as they are grounded in justice and a commitment to justice carries with it an obligation to disobey unjust laws (principles conscience).
Al-Attas Perspective
            Al-Attas viewd education as a process of value learning for educators (human) that refer to method and learning system step by step, and for human that accep the process also the elements of education with in. So that in his views, Islamic education must give the knowledge about humanity first before they accept other knowledge. Thus the learner will know his own self exactly, “he know where he comes from, where he is to be, and where will he go then”. If he knows his own self, so he will remember, realize and be able to put himself wherever he is, either to other people or to Khaliq the Creator of life.
            Amrullah Ahmad thought that the education concept of Al-Attas  consists process of teaching someone in cosmis and society that will take him to find the benefit as khalifah. Learners must be thought about Allah as their God, next it will create ‘abid humans full of awareness, having ability in intelect or spirit. Thus, it will be created the life views of tauhid, either rububiyah or uluhiyah, that bealive in unity of creation, unity of mankind and unity of life purpose. Those are derivation from unity of Godhead.
            According to al-Attas, the last purpose of Islamic education refers to creating good human and not to be society like Western cevilization. In other word, the good society in this perspective is individuals that have good attitude, wise, recognize and regard all the real regulations of something, include to God position in the real. As the result, they will always do good as the rules by themselves. Further more, Islamic education system in knowledge science must be reflected to Prophet attitude that brought moslem to followed his teaching. One of the ways to create god society, education rules have to form the characteristic each personal kindly, because society is completed by individuals.
            Al-Attas viewed that moslems have faced the biggest inhibition this time, that is the development of wrong knowledge in understanding science and out of the purpose  and the goal its self. Eventhough the Western civilization gives benefits for human, but the knowledge also destroye in this earth. So that he recognized and propose de-westernisasi process and islamic as the step to build thought paradigm of contemporer Islam. It is the process to recognize, separate and isolate the seculer elements (substantion, spiritual, character and culture personality also Western civilization). This is the strugle to purify Islamic lesson from Western influences.
            The similaruty between Kohlberg’s theory and Al-Attas’ theory is they give priority in moral or attitude of human in teaching learning process, either to themselves or to society.
            Kohlberg’s theory have some steps or stages in development of moral. While al-Attas just has one step in developing or repair morals that called as de-Westernisasi in order to avoid the bad influences that comes with Western civilization or culture. Beside that, Kohlberg make priority in laws of society which are the object to see the development of morality. However Al-Attas, making the Prophet Muhammad SAW as model to follow him what he did in daily activity.
            Kohlberg has several stages in moral development process that include to pre-conventional, conventional and post-conventional. There are two stages in each step that has different moral reasoning development. Al-Attas also propose about the important of moral education in his perspective and he thought to make Islamic in knowledge through de-Westernisasi. This point is clear that the reason of Kohlberg and Al-Attas are almost the same but different in the process.