Sunday 16 September 2018


Presented to fulfill Cross Cultural Understanding Assignment
Lecturer: Mulyadi, SS., M.Pd.

Written by :
The 5th group / E / TBI
Elma Atika fiantiny                20160701030036
Moh. Riadi                              20160701030108
Wildatur Rohmah                   20160701030194


Social beings is marked to everyone who lives in the world. There is no people in this world can live alone, because we are as social beings surely need other people. We need other to do many things. We have family, friends and other to live easily in the world. We fulfill our need by doing an interaction with other people such as having fun with our family or we go to school to study and meet our friends there. Not only friend and family we need but also stranger like a seller in the market or a doctor in the hospital and others.
As social beings, we are potential to be close with other people. Everyone certainly has friend in their life. Friends are someone who will be there for us in every condition. They can be looked up to and trusted. They are the people who encourage us to make the right choices and do not get into any trouble at all.
Friendship is exist all around the world. Each country has their own manner in kepping relation with their friends. In this case, culture has a crussial role in friendship ethics. Culture will influence the ethics how we intract with our friend. We will talk more about friendship in next pages.


  1. Definition
According to Aristoteles friendship is interpersonal relationship in which people voluntarily interact bringing joy to each other and rewarding feelings about ourselve.[1]
Based on Oxford Dictionary, Friendship is the emotions or conduct of friends; the state of being friends.[2]
So, we can conclude that friendship is a relationship between us and other people which the relationship happen voluntarily and give the enjoyment to each other.

  1. Kinds of  Friend in America

·         Old Friend
Old Friend is who you had a great connection with once but you no longer need to feel guity about not hanging out with. You had your time together in a spesific part of your life. This old friend meaning they are not old in age but they are friends from the past.
·         Maintennance Friend
Who you keep in touch with once or a few times per years just to “maintain” the connection. Set these folks up on reminders in your calendar but do not feel so bad you do not connect more.
·         Growth Friends
Who you continually deepen relationships with today and in the future. These are great friends you want more time and adventure with them.[3]

  1. Kinds of Friend in Madura

·         Close Friend
Close Friend is a friend that is very close with you and they often assist in your life. Usually they more respect than others and also they know more who you are than others. And old friends here similar with your sister or brother which we must protect and help each other.
·         Common Friend
Common Friend is a friend is not too close with you. You and them just know what should you and them know not more than that. Usually common friend just come or assist when they have some important to you. [4]

  1. Friendship Manner in America

Ø  Keep space
In American culture, when you want to make a conversation with your friend you must keep a space with them or do not get too close. Because if you don’t do that your friend will slowly backing away.
Ø  Do not interrupt
In American culture, especially in speaking, when you are talking with your friend, you can not interrupt them, because it means that you are impolite and also it will be difficult to understand.
Ø  Don’t be too expressive with your hands
When you make a conversation with your friends, do not let your hands often move, because your friend will think that you are aggressive.
Ø  Eye contact
Eye contact is usually important when you speak with americans. But, if your aye contact focus on your friends only during you are talking with them, they will be uncomfortable and they will think what exatcly happend with them.[5]

  1. Friendship Manner in Madura

Ø  Keep space
Madurese usually keep space when they talk to their friends. Especially for female to male, they will feel unconfortable when they talk very close. Because madurese is influenced by their religion.
Ø  Do not interrupt
In Madura, when you make a conversation with madurese, you can not interrupt them when they are talking. Because it will make them feel annoyed and also it will make you be impolite to them.
Ø  Being expressive with your hands
In Madura, when you want to talk somethin or want to describe or tell something to your friend, it is really efisien if you use your hands to describe it, because it will make the madurese easier to understand and it will make you more interesting when you talk with your gesture.
Ø  Eye contact
When you are talking with madurese your eye contact must focus on to their eyes, so that they will feel that you are listening to them, but if you see to another place when the madurese are talking, they will feel that you ignore them.[6]

  1. Ethics of keeping friendship relation

Ø  Respect to Each Other
To keep friendship relation well, it is very important to respect each other, because it is one of friendship ethics. We have to be polite in behavior and good manner in act.

Ø  Help each other
We as a friend must help each other when our friend in difficult situation or need our help. In this act we must be sincere, we must help them sincerely.
Ø  Keep in touch
One way to keep our relation with our friend is always keeping in touch with them. It means that we will never loose our friend if we keep our communication well with them

Ø  Keep The Privacy
When you make a friend with someone, you must know what you should do or not. Eventhough you have become a friend, it does not mean that you must know everything about your friend, because everyone have their own privacy to keep.


To keep good relation in friendship is very important, because usually we need friendship in a long time. The way to keep the relation in friendship use friendship ethics, such as:
a)      Respect to each other
b)     Help each other
c)      Keep in touch
And also we can use friendship manner, such as:
a)      Keep space
b)     Do not interrupt
c)      Gesture
d)     Eye contact
 Whatever the culture and the place the most important thing to keep the relation in friendship are: be polite and be kind. With good behaviour you can make a friend with all the people in this world. But do not forget that the culture in every country is different. So that, here we need to learn every culture in each country and learn the ethics in friendship in each country.


            Richard, Kraut.  ”Aristoteles Ethics”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford
University, 01 May 2001.
            Oxford Advanced Learner’s. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
   (Kinds of Friends)
   (Make American Friend)
            Fawaid, Ahmad. Lecture in IAIN Madura. Conversation Chatting In Whatshapp.
            Jakfar, Amin. Student in IAIN Madura,; Interview.

[1] Kraut Richard, ”Aristoteles Ethics”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford University, 01 May 2001.
[2] Oxford Advanced Learner’s (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005).
[3] (Kinds of Friends)
[4] Ahmad Fawaid, Lecture in IAIN Madura, Conversation Chatting In Whatshapp.
[5] (Make American Friend)
[6] Amin Jakfar, Student in IAIN Madura,; Interview.