Tuesday 12 March 2019

Contoh Proposal Bahasa Ingris

A.    Research Context.
The researcher wanted to examine the songs perfect by Ed Sheeran. Each of these songs has a meaning that still cannot be understood directly. Song is one example of literature. Listening song is enjoyable activity, but the listeners cannot get a pleasure if they dont understand the meaning that commonly found in the song. In this research, the researcher chooses literary works like songs. Song is any poem even there is an attention of it being set to music. In this research, the researcher chooses the literary problem about song. It was “Ed Sheeran” Song. The study was limited on lexical meanings and contextual meanings.
Semantic is the study of the meaning of words and sentences. In order for meaning to  successfully studied, of course, it must be made clear just what meaning is.[1] Semantics is a sub discipline of linguistics which focuses on the study of meaning. The present study analyzes about semantic analysis especially on the lexical meaning and contextual meaning. The lexical meaning is to be interpreted as the meaning of lexemes depending on the meaning of sentences in which they occur. Lexical meaning concerned with the relationship between words and meanings. Related to lexical meaning involves denotation, connotation, synonymy, antonym, hyponymy, homonymy, homophone, polysemy, and figurative language. In this research, the researcher chooses literary works like songs. Song is any poem even there is an attention of it being set to music. In this research, the researcher chooses the literary problem about song. It was “Ed Sheeran” Song. The study was limited on lexical meanings and contextual meanings.
According to the results of the research done by, Andrika Agus Setiawan. 2014 “Figurative Language Analysis in Song Lyrics of Coldplay Band” he use figurative language to analyze song of Coldplay band  the writer used qualitative research and content analysis in order to answer the research problems[2]. Based on the research written by Rukmana the tittle is “The Analysis Of  Translation Procedures On Katy Perry’s Song Album Entitled “PRISM”, the researcher uses the translation procedures which are usually used by translator in this Katy Perry’s song album entitled “Prism” are Borrowing, Calque, Transposition, Modulation, Adaptation, Literal Translation,  and there is no Equivalence, and the most often used is Modulation Procedures[3]. On the other hand, written by Anis Lestari “An Analysis Of Metaphor In Taylor Swift’s Song Lyrics” the researchers uses descriptive analysis method to describe the result of Taylor Swift’s song lyrics analysis[4]. Another reaserch is by Khairil Umam “An Analysis Of Sarcam Language Of Chelsea Grin’s Song lyrics In “Self-Inflicted” Album” the researcher uses qualitative approaches to content analysis offer some alternative protocols for exploring texts systematically[5]. Meanwhile the researcher use lexical meaning and contextual meaning to know more about the meaning of Ed Sheeran song. The researcher expects this study is useful for the other researcher who wish to know about semantics. Moreover, semantics as an important branch of linguistics is interesting to be studies especially when it is applied to literary work such as song, poem and prose.
The researcher chosen “Ed Sheeran” song because This song "Perfect" managed to dominate many charts and became a compulsory song for couples in love. This is where Ed recycled a number of times the song "Perfect", both collaboration with Beyonce, whose title was "Perfect Duet" or until an orchestra version was made along with Andrea Bocheli. his song is very interesting to examine and researched in more detail. British singer and song writter Ed Sheeran has been named the best selling singer in 2017. Songs and albums such as Devide, shape of you, and Perfect are the keys to that success, international federation of the phonographic industry (IFPI) give him a tittle recording artist of the year. [6]And then, the researcher takes two songs in different album. Perfect song that has meaning and words that are very touching for listeners, words and melodies that make anyone who hears it get carried away by the song. The researchers really liked this song because of the very good song. Song is one of the media to show one's ideas, messages, feelling and creativity.
Usually a singer wants to convey what he feels through the songs they bring and, the perfect song from Ed Sheeran touches the hearts of listeners. Therefore many of the listeners who really liked this song included researchers. Related to that, the language used contains aesthetic and artistic values which are displayed through the use of various languages in the song. language or meaning in a song helps listeners to understand the ideas displayed or intended by the creator. Words in the song or in poetry are arranged and shaped in such a way as to become a beautiful work and shaped in such a way as to attract listeners and become a beautiful song, a song is a harmonization between words and melodious musical instruments, to create a good song in the audience as well as an entertainer at rest.
The researcher was interested in doing the research because the researcher wanted to know the meaning of each word that was difficult to understand in Ed Sheeran's perfect song, This study examines the lyrics of the song from Ed Sheeran from the song entitled Perfect to understand the meaning or intent contained in the song. The researcher was also very interested to know more about the meaning contained in the song from where the researcher raised the title “ An Analysis Of Semantic in Ed Sheeran Song Perfect” that’s the reason why the researcher are interested to researching this song.

B.     Research Focus.
The researcher does a study deal with the use of semantic, included  in lexical meaning and contextual meaning. Based on the discussion above the researcher formulate the problems become focus in this study as follow:
1.      What is the lexical meaning in Ed Sheeran songs?
2.      What is the contextual meaning in Ed Sheeran songs?
C.    Research Objectives.
The objective research is to discover answer to question through the application of scientific procedures. The objective of this research base on phenomena abive is :
1.      To know what is the lexical meaning in Ed Sheeran songs
2.      To know what is contextual meaning in Ed Sheeran songs
D.    Significance of The Study
Significance of study is probability level that reflects the maximum risk you are willing to take the any observed diffeences are due to chance.[7] From the statement above, in my opinion, significance of study is the result of research that can be improve our knowledge not only theoritically but also practically :
1.      Theoritically
Hopefully this research can give contribution to library research as alternative refrences for semantic.
2.      Practically
a.       For Reader
This research expected to improve the knowledge about semantic expecially contextual meaning and lexical meaning
b.      For Further Researcher
This research of the study expected to give usefull information for further researcher about lexical meaning and contextual meaning and make them interest in analysis other types related with semantic theory.

[1] Carolyn MCManis, Language File, (Department of Linguistic, The Ohio State University, 1987), page., 216.
[2]  Andrika Agus Setiawan, Figurative Language Analysis in Song Lyrics of Coldplay Band, Thesis 2014.
[3] Rukmana, The Analysis Of  Translation Procedures On Katy Perry’s Song Album Entitled “PRISM”, Thesis 2017.
[4]  Anis Lestari, An Analysis of Metaphor in Taylor Swift’s Songs Lyrics , Thesis 2017.
[5] Khairil Umam, An Analysis of Sarcasm Language of Chelsea Grin’s Song Lyrics in “Self Inflected” Album, Thesis 2018.
[7] Jhon W. Creswell, Educational  Research: Planning, Conducting and Evaluating Qualitative and Quantitative (the fourth edition), (Boston : Person Education, inc, 2012), page.627.