Tuesday 12 March 2019

Reasearch Context

A.    Reasearch Context
     Oral language and written language, both of them have a very important role in expressing the main ideas. However, when someone expresses an idea, which needs to be considered not only language but also understanding. This is caused by the intent contained in a spoken language is not always explicit, but can also be implied.
The discussion of the meaning that is veiled in a speech is further studied in pragmatic studies. Levinson provides some limitations about pragmatic. First, the limitation explains that pragmatic is a study of the relationship between language and the context that underlies the explanation of language. To understand the use of language, humans are required to understand the context that accommodates the use of the language. Second, the boundary explains that pragmatic examines the ability of language users to associate sentences with contexts that match those sentences.[1]
The word implicature (implicature) is taken from the verb "to imply" which comes from the Latin "plicare". Etymologically, "to imply" means to fold something into something else. So, it can be interpreted as something that is implied that something is "folded", and to know its meaning we have to dismantle it so that the true meaning can be understood. The term implicature is also used to explain what might be interpreted or intended by speakers, which is sometimes different from what the speaker actually said.
According to Levinson in Pragmatics, implicature conversation is a deviation from the semantic charge of a sentence. Levinson said that:
“ . . . by definition, conversational implicature, when the term implicature is intended to contrast with the term like logical implication, entailment,and logical consequences which are generally used to refer to inferences that are derived solely from logical and semantic content. For implicature are not semantic inferences, but rather inferences based on both the content of what has been said and some specific assumption about the cooperative nature of ordinary verbal interaction.”[2]
Implicature can also be interpreted as a watering or concept that refers to something implied (implicated) by a speech that is not stated explicitly (asserted) by the speech. The term implicature was first put forward by Grice to explain what might be explained, interpreted, suggested, or intended by speakers who could be different from what the speaker actually said.[3]
From the above definition, we can conclude that understanding of implicature is inseparable from the principle of cooperation between the two speakers in a conversation interaction. So for more details, we define in more detail the three implicit word terms, implications, and implicatures. Implicit can be interpreted as contained meaning (although not clearly stated), the implication has a meaning that is included or knotted but not stated, whereas implicature has a translation of the hidden meanings in a conversation or the meaning intended by speakers related to the existence of cooperation to know the meaning which can be different.
Grice stated in his article entitled "Logical of Conversation" that speech can imply propositions that are not part of the speech. The implied proposition can be called conversational implicature. Thus we can define that conversation implicature is the implication of a speech in the form of a proposition that is actually not part of the speech. Conversational implicature terminology which can only be implicitly observed is interpreted as "the interrelation of the utterances spoken between two people who are conversing."[4]
Actually, the similar research has been conducted by Eka Ratnasari entitled “Pragmatic Analysis On Cooperative Principle Used By The Actors Of Opera Van Java (OVJ) Program In Trans7”. The researcher analysis the types of cooperative principles used by the OVJ acress are maxim of quality, quantity, manner and relation.[5] And the next similar research by Astutik entitled “The Analysis Of Semantic Field Of The English Anthology Grimm’s Fairy Tales By Brother Grimm”. This research use semantic especially in semantic field on the anthology Grimm’s Fairy Tales by Brother Grimm shows the variation of language vocabulary that use on it. Then it makes more interesting by using the various vocabulary that use to express about the purpose of topic.[6] And then research by Istiana entitled “The Analysis Of Locutionary, Illocutionary, and Perlocutionary Acts Of Semantic On Maleficent Film By Robert Stromberg”. The result of this reseach shows the Locutionary, Illocutionary, and perlocutionary acts on Maleficent Film.[7]
In this regard, the researcher intends to make this research different from previous studies, especially in the field of implicature with the object of the study of Novel Ground Zero by Agustinus Wibowo. The selection of this novel is based on the factors in the number of speech acts or sentences that have implicit meanings, the translation of the hidden meanings in a conversation or the meanings meant by speakers who may be different meanings.
Researchers are interested in conducting this research because of the many speech acts or sentences that make confuse the readers of novel because they have different meanings, so that readers have difficulty to understanding the context in the novel.
That is the reason why researchers are interested in doing this research, and the researcher is going to conduct a research since that phenomenon is quite necessary to be investigated and entitled the research is The Analysis Of Implicature Of Pragmatic On Ground Zero Novel By Agustinus Wibowo.

B.     Research Focuses
The study is mainly focused on the discussion of the following matters:
  1. What are the Implicature of Pragmatic on Ground Zero Novel?
  2. What are the analysis of Implicature of Pragmatic on Ground Zero Novel?
C.    Research Objective
In research focuses above, the objectives are to be formulated as follows:
  1. To describe the Implicature of Pragmatic on Ground Zero Novel.
  2. To analyze the Implicature of Pragmatic on Ground Zero Novel.
D.    Significant Of The Study
Some significant of the study will probably give some benefits for some aspects.
  1. Theoretically
The researcher hopes this study will give benefits for:
a.       The researcher
It will be helpful for the researcher to know the implicature of Ground Zero novel.
b.      The readers of IAIN Madura
The researcher hope it will give another reference for the reader of IAIN Madura who want to studied about Implicature of Pragmatic with this study.
  1. Practically
The researcher hope this study will be expected for:
a.       IAIN Madura
The researcher hope this study will be recommendation for IAIN Madura to help students to know about Implicature of pragmatic.
b.      The lectures of TBI students
The lectures with this study can support the student become reference study in learning Pragmatic.
c.       The students of IAIN Madura
With this study can support the student especially TBI students to more interested to learn pragmatic in implicature.

[1] M Rohmadi, Pragmatic Theory and Analysis, (Yogyakarta: Lingkar Media, 2010), p.4-5
[2] Stephen Levinson, Pragmatics, (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983), p.103-104
[3] P Grice H, Logic and Conversation (London: University College London for Pragmatic Theory Online Course, 2004)
[4] A Chair & L Agustina, Sosiolinguistik: Perkenalan Awal (Jakarta, Rineka Cipta, 2004), p.59
[5] Eka Ratnasari, Pragmatic Analysis On Cooperative Principe Used By The Action Of Opera Van Java (OVJ) Program In Trans7, (Thesis S1, STAIN, Pamekasan, 2013), p. In abstract
[6] Astutik, The Analysis Of Semantic Field Of The English Anthology  Grimm’s Fairy Tales By Brother Grimm, (Thesis S1, IAIN, Madura, 2018), p. In abstract
[7] Istiana, The Analysis Of Locutionary, Illocutionary, And Perlocutionary Acts Of Semantic On Maleficent Film By Robert Stromberg, (Thesis S1, STAIN, Pamekasan, 2017), p. In abstract