Title: Syntactical Analysis
Of Constituent Test Error In Hierarchical Structure On Lks Book At Eight Grade
Of SMPI Darul Ulum
Research Contect
A sentence is a group that forms an
independent thought. Usually including at least subject and a verb.[1] A sentence usually has a
grammatically complete statement. A sentence basically a group words which are
tied together and convey an idea, event or description. The network of
relations between the words of a sentence is called structure. The organization
of a sentence is called as syntactic structure.[2]
Sentence structure is explained more
deeply in a linguistic branch as syntax.
Therefore, syntax is often equate with the study of sentence structure. Syntax
is the study of the principles and processes by which sentence are constructed
in particular language.[3]Syntax is the study of the
way in which phrases and sentences are structured out of words.[4] Syntax refers to the ways
symbols may be combined to create well-formed sentence in the language.[5]
Language is a unique human inheritance that plays the very
important role in human’s life, such as in thinking, communiating ideas, and negotiating
with the others.[6]
Language is a system that uses some physical sign (sound, gesture, mark).[7] Language
is a set of rules by human as a tool of their communication.[8] Language
has often been characterized as a systematic correlation between certain types
of gestures and meaning, as represented simplistically in Figure For spoken
language, the gestures are oral, and for signed language, they are manual. In
relation to the function of the language as a tool of communication, another
question, which can be posed, is the one which concerns with the way speakers
select word from total stock of words of their language.
Language has often been characterized as a systematic correlation
between certain types of gestures and meaning, as represented simplistically in
Figure. Syntax is a central component of human language.[9]
This global focus is reflected in the choice of topics. Apart from a chapter
introducing the four traditional branches of linguistics (semantics, syntax,
morphology and phonology),there are two
main camps: those linguists for whom real syntax focuses on theories of first
language acquisition and those who see syntax as focusing on concept for the
analysis and description of languages. Linguist who practise the first kind of
syntax like to see it as explanatory, with the second kind being ‘merely’
Syntax is not about meaning, sentence can have no
sense and still be grammatically correct. Syntax has to do with how words are
put together to build phrases, with how phrases are put together to build
clauses or bigger phrases, and with how clauses are put together to build
sentences. In small and familiar situations, humans could communicate using
single words and many gestures, particularly when dealing with other members of
the same social grouping (nuclear family, extended family, clan and so on). But
complex messages for complex situations or complex ideas require more than just
single words; every human language has devices with which its speakers can
construct phrases and clauses.[10]Syntax
is the part of linguistics that studies sentence structure: word order, agreement,
how many complement, Hierarchical structure. [11]Syntactic analysis is defined as determining the relevant
component parts of sentence or
describing this part grammatically.[12]
Though we use sentences all the time, we do not
normally think about how they are structured. However, a little consideration
reveals that the principle by which word are organized into sentences are, in
fact, quite complex. We will consider two basic principles of sentence
organization: linear order and hierarchical structure. Although linear order is
important principle of sentence organization, sentence are more than just
ordered sequences of words; they have internal hierarchical structure as well.[13] We further
show that knowledge of hierarchical structure can be used to predict missing
connections in partly known networks with high accuracy, and for more general
network structures than competing techniques. Taken together, our results
suggest that hierarchy is a central organizing principle of complex networks,
capable of offering insight into many network phenomena. That is, the
individual words in a sentence are organized into natural, semantically
coherent groupings, which are them-selves organized into larger groupings, the
largest grouping of all being the sentence itself (and the smallest of all
being individual words). These groupings within a sentence are called
constituent of that sentence. [14]
Constituent structure of a sentence is concerned with
the units into which the words in a sentence are grouped, which are the
constituents, and their hierarchical organization.[15] Constituent
structure is a formal representation of the grammatical structure of a sentence
in terms of its individual constituents. Constituent is a word or a group of words
that functions as a single unit within a hierarchical structure. The
constituent structure of sentences is identified using tests for constituents.[16]
Actually the researcher found some previous researches.
Firstly, Syntactical analysis on sentence patterns used in west life in song
lyric, conducted by Ihwan Pratama, he found that the study found some pattern
of sentence, like transformed sentence and kernel sentence.[17]
Secondly, the error of morphology and syntax in the text translation of APK
student, writtenby Nurul Baidhawiyah
where she found many errors in student translation on the syntax and morphology
because of some factor. Finally, Syntactical analysis on sentence structure
used in two Adele’s song written by PurnomuadjieWiyogo which his research
focuses on sentence structure in Adele’s song. She find many sentence structure
on the Adele’s song using tree diagram.[18]
In this
research, the researcher use LKS book as object. LKS (Lembar Kerja siswa)
is a book that used in a school to make students easier to study about the
From the phenomenon which
researcher observe atLKS book at SMPI Darul Ulum, the researcher interested in
constituent test error on hierarchical structure. The researcher will research
from syntactic analyzes on sentence structure of constituent test error. This
research is new and there is no in other reseach, from the privious study which
the researcher read. So that the research feel that this research important to
research. On the other hand this research will help another researcher under
tittle “Syntactical Analysis Of
Constituent Test Error In Hierarchical Structure On Lks Book At Eight Grade Of SMPI Darul Ulum”
Research Focus
problem is the educational issue, controversy, or concern that guides the
researcher to investigate the problem.[19]
Based on Ary, Jacobs’ statement in Adnan latief book “Research methods On
Language Learning An introduction” argue that research problem refers to
Question raised In a Research projects.[20]Based
on the research which has explained. The researcher argues that the problem of
study as follows:
1. What are the
sentences structures found in LKS book?
2. How are the
sentence constructed on LKS book after analysis?
Research Objectives
Adnan Latief
state that research objective, whether by sociologists, political scientist, or
anthropologists, is to try, to find answers to theoretical questions within
their respective field.[21]John
Creswell defines that research objective as purpose which means the major
intent or objective of the study used to addres the problem.[22]From
the research problem above, the aims of the study are:
1. To find out the sentences structures found in LKS book.
2. To explain the sentence construction by using LKS book.
Research Significance
significance of study defines the benefit or the important of the research,
both scientific signifitance and social signifitance.[23]
The researcher defines it as the importance thing of research for scientific
and social aspect. This study is supposed to give theoritical contribution and
practical contribution. Significances of this study are:
this research
is expected to be benefit and useful in
enrich, add the information of English, especially in constituent test of
syntax to be reference and previous study for student who want to study with
the same subject.
Practical contribution, this study is supposed to give contribution
for the researcher and reader.
For TBI students
The research will help them to be able to learn how to analyse
sentence structures on LKS book.
For the endlish department
research will be useful for the English department of IAIN Madura as linguistic
reference which will assist them to understand sentence structure in syntax.
For the reader
research will be useful for another researcher concerning linguistic phenomenon.
Research Scope and Limitation
part is important to consider by the research and also to avoid ambiguity in
the result of research. Scope is range of things that a subject, an
organization deals with.[24]
Limitation is rule act or controlling something.[25]
John Creswell stated that limitation is potential weakness or problem with the
study identified by the researcher.[26]The
scope of this research is focus on syntactical analysis on constituent test. The
limitation of the study conducts to analyze the sentence structure of constituent
test error on LKS book.
Definition of Key Term
of key term is used that has the same interpretation and the understanding of
unclearly meaning.[27]Key
term is one of research part where it allows the reader to know what is exactly
researcher will refer to investigate. The terms will give definition through
researcher’s own word in order to make the reader easy to understand what
researcher mean. The research would like to explain to terms used in this
research as follow:
Syntactic analysis
Syntactic analysis is defined as determining the relevant
component parts of sentence or
describing this part grammatically.[28]
Constituent test
Constituent structure is a formal
representation of the grammatical structure of a sentence in terms of its
individual constituents. Constituent is a word or a group of words that
functions as a single unit within a hierarchical structure. The constituent
structure of sentences is identified using tests for constituents.[29]
Sentence structure
Sentence structure is an independent method of demonstrating the
inadequacy of constituent analysis as a means of describing English sentence
LKS (lembar Kerja Siswa)
(Lembar Kerja siswa) is a sheet
containing a task to be undertaken by school tuition .Lks usually a guidance ,
step to complete a task , a job instructed in sheets of activities will need to
clear competence baseline that will be rise.
Theoretical Study
Definition of Syntax
is a branch of linguistics which is concerned with the study about structure of
a sentence. The word “syntax” comes from originally from greek and literally
means “a putting together” or “arrangement”.[31]
Traditionally, it refers to the branch of grammar dealing eith the ways in
which words, with or without appropriate inflections, are arranged to show
connections of meaning within the sentence.[32]
Noam Chomsky stated that syntax is the study of the principles and processes by
which sentences are constructed in particular languages.[33]
Sukini stated that syntax is the branch of language science which talks about
everything phrase, clause, and sentence in details becoming the smallest unit
in free form, it is word.[34]
Here are many expression dealing with the definition of syntax Robert states
that the term of syntax is from the ancient Greek “syntaxes a verbal noun which
literally means arrangement or setting out together.[35]It
means syntax is the study how a sentence are constructed or put together. And
how the sentence put together to be good sentence is in syntax. Stefanie
jannedy stated in “language files” that syntax studies the organization of
words into phrases into sentences.
On the other hand Jennedy argue that syntax studies the
organization of words into phrase and pharase into sentence.[36] Besides, in thesis which written by Aprilia cute from in Nurachman’s book state that syntax is the branch of grammar dealing with
the organization of words into larger structure, particularly in sentence,
equivalently the study of sentence structure.[37] From the definition which
argued by some expert of linguistic, that syntax is the branch of linguistic
which study about the range of words to be phrase, to be clause and to be
sentence. With knowing a syntax we can know how to make sentence in a good form
based on the theory of syntax and also it can help us in making the paragraph
to be good paragraph after we know the step in making sentence because it is
not getting loose from the sentence.
The Analysis of syntactical theory
Syntactic analysis is the way to analysis the syntactic pattern or
form so that it could help in making the good interpretation of the text. The
purpose of syntactic analysis is to determine the structure of the input text.
The structure consists of a
hierarchy of phrase, the smallest of basic symbol and the largest of sentence.
It can be described by a tree with one node for each phrase. Basic symbols are
represented by leaf nodes and other phrase by interior node. The root of the
tree represents the sentence.
The analysis of
syntactic structure in this research which is used focused on the inquiry how
the native speakers of language produce a syntactic structure. This analysis
has relation to understanding the way they select words from their lexicon.
Noam Chomsky stated in Robert D. Borsley’s book “syntactic theory A unified
Approach” that the term of syntactic theory have two goals.[38]
The first is concerned to develop precise description of aspects of the syntax
of various language, the ways in which specific languages combine words to form
sentence. The second, to develop a general theory of syntax, specifying what
language have in common in this area and how they can vary.
The analysis of syntactic structure could use two theories. There
Traditional grammar theory.
Traditionally, a
sentence is concerned as the unit of communication. It is defined as a group of
words which at least has subject and predicate and complete meaning. This
refers to minimum of unit of sentence are word, which plays a certain syntactic
function in the production of sentence. This concept is the basic concept in the
theory of traditional grammar, which classifies the words into classes, and the
function of every word in the sentence. Rosenberg stated on Sanggam siahaan’s
book “Issue in Linguistic” that traditionally, a sentence is considered as the
unit of communication. It is defined as a group of words, which at least has a
subject and predicate and a complete meaning. This reveals that the minimum
units of a sentence are a word, which plays a certain syntactic function in the
production of the sentence.[39]
The theory of the structural linguistics.
Pike state in the Sanggam Siahaan’s book that language is
continuous segmental speech sounds used as tool of human communication. In
actual communicative interactions, the entity of the language can be identified
as a continuous sequence of speech sound
which can be analyzed into aspect phonemes, morphemes, and sentence.[40]
The Basic Structure of English Syntax
Word class
The vocabulary of the English language is customarily divided into
eight major division called part of speech or lexical category. Every word
belongs to word class, like noun, pronoun, adjective, adverb, and etc. To begin
studying basic sentence structure is to consider the traditional part of
speech. It is divided into eight major divisions. Such usnoun, pronoun, verb,
adverb, adjective, preposition,conjunction and interjection.[41]
A noun is a word that names a person, place, or thing such us
:concrete object (pencil, cup fun) or material like blood, water. And abstract
concept like idea philosophy. Noun can be concrete and abstract noun .[42]
Noun can function in a sentence as subject, a direct object, an indirect
object, subject complement, an object complement, an adjective and adverb. Noun
in English can be classified into tow type, there are:[43]
Concrete noun
is name of something which we can express by seeing, touching, and holding by
five senses. Concrete noun can classified into common noun, proper noun and
material noun.
Common noun are used to the
name of a member of class or group. Such us: girl, boy, father, teacher.
The kind of concrete noun there are :
Proper noun are noun which is the name of particular person, place
organization. Example :samsulmarifah, London, Jakarta, Indonesia and etc.
Material noun are used to the name of all material. Such us: water,
coffee, milk, soap and etc.
Collective noun are singular word for a group. Such us : company,
committee, a team of player.
Common noun is a word used
to name the common things. Common noun are generally written in small letter.
Example book, house, girl.
Abstract noun is a word used to name the un concrete things.
Abstract noun can be formed from verb, adjective or noun.
Pronoun is a word which is used instead of a more precise noun or
place noun. It means that pronoun is a word which takes the place of a noun.
The word pronoun can usedfor a determiner when this includes the meaning of a
following noun which has been left out. Pronoun can be divided into seven
types; they are:[44]
1. Personal
pronoun is to show whether a person is represented as speaking, being spoken.
Such us I, me, you, we, us, they, them, she, her, he him, it, its.
2. Reflexive
pronoun is to show the identify “self” such us: myself, yourself, our selves,
themselves, himself herself, it self.
3. Interrogativepronoun
is used in asking question. Such us: who, which, what.
4. Demonstrative
pronoun is to show the replacing personal nor noun personal. Such us : this,
these, that, those.
5. Reciprocal
pronoun is the word that shows action or arrangement involves two people or
groups of people like each other, one another.
6. Indefinite
pronoun refers to no one person or thing in particular. Such us: anybody,
anyone, anything, someone, something, somebody.
7. Relative
pronoun is pronoun used to connect a relative clause to its noun. Such us who,
whom, what, which, where, when, that, and why.
Adjective is a
word which modifies noun. It is used when describe People, thing, event, and
etc. example bad, big, and beautiful.
A verb is a
word like ask, wake, play, be, can, which can be used with a subject to form
the basis of a clause. According to the object, verb can be :
a. Transitive verb
is a verb which can have an object, such as begin, drink, meet, look for.
b. Intransitive
verb is a verb which cannot have an object or be used in the passive.
There are three types of
verbs, they are:
a) Irregular verb
is a verb which do not follows the normal rules or not having the usual form.
Such as help-helped, arrive-arrived.
b) Regular verb is
a verb which is following the normal rules or having the usual form. Such as drive-drove-driven, give-gave-given.
c) Linking verb is
a verb like be, seem, feel and other
verbs which link a subject to a complement that describesit.
An adverb is a word that explaining
where, when and how something happens or is done. It is a word which describes
verbs, adjectives or other adverbs. There many kinds of adverbs with different
function. They are :
Adverb of manner
It is an adverb that expresses the way something done or happened.
Most of adverb of manner is made from adjective by adding –ly.
Quick quickly
Sure surely
Easy easily
Diligent diligently
Adverb of place and direction
It is an adverb
that shows the time which is happened an event.
Here, there, abroad, anywhere, somewhere, nowhere, in London, out
of the window, inside, east.
Adverb of time
It is an adverb that shows the time which is happened an event or
work. Such us, Afterwards, today, in
June, last year, eventually, before, finally, every week, two days ago.
Adverb of degree
It i an adverb that shows the degree (how much and how complete) Very, too, rather, somewhat, quite, almost,
nearly, practically, entirely.
Adverb of Frequency (Quantity)
It is an adverb that shows the quantity or how much the work is
often done.
sometimes, usually, once, twice, often, scarily, frequently, seldom, never,
Adverb of certainly
It is an adverb that shows the confirmation of answering. Such us Certainly, definitely, clearly, apparently,
surely, undoubtedly.
Interrogative adverb
It is an adverb that is used to make question. Such us Why, how, when, where.
Relative adverb
It is an adverb that has function as connecting in a sentence.Therefore, why, where, however, besides,
A preposition
is a word usually placed before a noun to express a relationship such as time
or place.[45]
Nouns and pronouns most often follow preposition. There are some forms of
Preposition as followed:
Preposition that consist of a word. Example : at, across, between, among, below, behind, backward, down, from, in,
on, inside, off, onward, over, round, since, without against, above and etc.
Preposition that consist of two words or more. Example: for the sake of, as a result of, in
contrast with, according to, instead of, next to, upside down, outside of and
Preposition that is used with adjective and participle. Example :accustomed to, afraid of, anxious for/about,
aware of, exposed to, good at/for, tired of, scared of, ready for and etc.
A verb with preposition. Example :apologize for, ask for, depend on, conform to, occur to, prepare for,
refer to, succeed in, wait for and etc.
Conjunction is words that connect two words, phrase or sentences.
It is a word which joins two phrases or clauses together like and, but, when.
Example: “Jack and Jill went up the hill”. The modern term of conjunction as
Coordinate conjunction
Coordinate conjunction connect two independent clauses. There are
seven coordinating conjunctions in English. They are and, but, for, nor and
yet. The classifying of explain of coordinating conjunction, they are :
It is a connective word that means as “add”. Example : and, both
... and, as well as, not only ..., but also ...
Alternative conjunction
It is a connective word that consist of the definitions of
selection between two or more things. Example : or, either ... or, neither ...
Adversative conjunction
It is a connective word that consist of the contradictory meaning
between one another. Example: but, however, yet, in spite of, in contrast.
Illative conjunction
It is a connective word that points the effect of event. Example:
therefore, thus, hence, because of, as a result.
Subordinate conjunction
Subordinateconjunction is connective word that is used to connect
subordinate clause with independent clause (main clause). According
grammatically, subordinate conjunction is the part of clause and never
leave-taking of the class. Example : after, although, as, because, since, till,
unless, wherever, provided that, so (that), as far as, for fear that, in order
It is a word
which is used to shows a short sudden expression of emotion. Interjections are
often attached to sentences, with which, however, they have no syntactic
connection, for the example: oh! Darn it!
What a pity!, Oh my God!, Dammit!.
Definition of Sentence
The term sentence is derived from Latin sentential, which literally
meant “feeling” or “opinion”. In the field of grammar this meaning has
specialized to mean ‘an utterance that expresses the feeling or opinion’, but a
more technical definition would be a grammatically self-contained speech unit
consisting of word, or syntactically related group of word that expresses an
assertion, a question, a command, a wish, or an exclamation, which in writing
usually begins with a capitalletter and ends with a period, question mark, or
exclamation mark.[46]It
means that the sentence is taken from the Latin which has meaning statement or
feeling literally whereas the sentence grammatically is the unit of word put
together and expressing an expression about a question and command.
Sentence which consist of subject and verb and has meaning full is
simple sentence whereas sentence which consist of two subject and verb or more and connected
with co-ordinate conjunction is compound sentence and if the sentence consist of two clause
(sub clause and main clause) is complex sentence.[47]SanggamSiahaan
state that sentence refers to a series of words, which can be analyzed by the
native speakers into constituent, they are: a noun phrase and a verb phrase.
Example, birds sing.” Bird” as “NP” and “sing” as verb phrase.[48]
The Types of Sentence Pattern
There are many types of sentence based on the meaning, they are:[49]
Declarative sentence is a sentence which is in the form of a
statement. In declarative sentence, a speaker or writer gives information about
situation or events.
Interrogative sentence is a sentence in the form of question. It can
also be used as request or asking ability.
Imperative sentence is a sentence in the form of commands but it
not always an order. It is sometimes function as an expression of anyone.
Exclamation sentence is a sentence begins with a phrase using what
or how, but it does not reverse the order of s and auxiliary verb.
The kinds of sentences
The classification of sentence based on the
Structure, They are:[50]
Simple sentence
sentence consists of one main clause only. However, this does not mean that the
sentence has to be short. Example: cat eats fish.
Compound sentence,
compound sentence consists of two or main clause. Example: I don’t know where
she lives.
Complex sentence,
complex sentence is a sentence that contains at least one full dependent clause
with its own subject and predicate, example: the boy which I met yesterday is
my friend.
Compound complex sentence
complex sentence is the sentence which consists of two complete main clauses
connected by the coordinate conjunction and each of this has a dependent
Hierarchical Structure
The individual word in a sentence are organized into natural,
semantically coherent grouping, which are themselves organized into larger
grouping, the largest grouping of all being the sentence itself.
Constituent Test
Constituent is
a grouping within a sentences, it means the grouping from the smallest units or
individual words organized into a larger grouping or the sentences itself.
Actually, there are three test for constituency. There are; ability to stand
alone, substitution of pro-form, and movement. Firstly, means the constituents
can often be sensible used alone, for example as exclamations or as answer to
questions. Secondly, a constituents can be replaced by another element, usually
a pro-form. For example; a pronoun for a noun. The final test is the some part
of the sentence can be moved around, usually to the begenning or end the
sentence. Ideally, a group of word will be considered a constituent if they
pass the three test but minimally it must pass at least one.[51]
Moreover, the relationship between constituents in a sentence form the
constituent structure of the sentence.
The way of
representing the hierarchical nature of constituent structure are underlining
and tree diagram. Firstly, it means we underline each of constituents, so the
hierarchical nature of its constituent structure is easier to see. Secondly,
tree diagram, it is branching structures in which each constituent forms a
Phrase Structure Rules
structure rules (PS rules) is the knowledge of how constituents are put
together and categorized in that language. Its purpose is to produce a deep
structure. Also by this rule it will help to know that a sentence (S) of
English can be formed by joining a noun phrase (NP) with a verb phrase (VP),
and NP may be formed by joining a determiner (DET) with a constituent
containing a noun (N) and a VP may consist of a (transitive) V followed by a
direct object.
There are some phrase structure rules for English[52]:
NP Det Adjp Nc
NP Pron
NP Npr
NP (Det)Adjp Npl
NP (Det) Adjp Nm
S S Conj SS
symbols which commonly used in phrase structure rule as follows:[53]
S sentence
NP noun phrase
VP verb phrase
N noun
V verb
Det determiner
(the definite article “the”, the indefinite article “a”, the demonstratives “this”,
“that”, “these”, and “those”; numbers; and indefinite adjectives “some”, “any”,
“many”, “much”, “each”, “every”, “few”, “several”, etc.)
Pron pronoun
Aux auxiliary
M modal auxiliary (will, shall,
can, may, must)
Be the verb “be”
Pred predicate (noun, adjective,
Vt transitive verb (a verb that
takes an object)
Vi intransitive
verb (a verb that may not be followed by an object)
Vl linking verb (become, seem)
Comp complement (noun or adjective)
Adj adjective
Adv adverb
PP prepositional phrase
LKS is a sheet
containing a task to be undertaken by school tuition. LKS usually a guidance ,
step to complete a task , a job instructed in sheets of activities will need to
clear competence baseline that will be rise. According to sense over hence
sheets lks containing teachers from duties for students from basic adapted with
competence and the purpose of learning to be achieved.Or it can be said that
work is guide lks students to make students in the learning activities.
In this section, the researcher is going to discuss about the
approach, kinds of research, research attendance, research setting, data
sources, research instrument, and data collection procedure, validity of data
and data analysis which is going to be conducted in this thesis.
Approach and kind
of research
Research Approach
In this point, the researcher uses qualitative
research. Qualitative research is an inquiry approach useful for exploring and
understanding a central phenomenon[54]
Qualitative ressearchers seek to understand a phenomenon by
focusing on the total picture rather than breaking it down into variables. The
goal is a holistic picture and depth of understanding rather than a numeric
analysis of data.[55]
It means that, the research focus to
central phenomenon that happened in the field, because this research about
syntactic analysis on constituent test error in
hierarchical structure of syntax on LKS book at eight grade of SMPI
darul Ulum. . It is based on the
research problem which the researcher made. While the kind of this research is constituent test error.
Descriptive research are design to obtain information concerning the current
status of phenomenon. They are directed the exist, the opinion that are held,
that the researcher want to describe the data from the respond and also to develop the data.
Kind of Research
In this research, the researcher uses descriptive research.
Descriptive research design are used to
describe the condition that exist, the opinion that are held. The process which
are going on, or the trends which are developing.[56]
It means that descriptive research is kind of research which is to obtain
information that exist in the current status. It aims that the researcher wants
to describe the data using constituent test.
Researcher’s Attendance
Presence of the researcher is toward determining the nature of situation
which exists at the time of the study. In this research found the data are some
words but no number. It becomes the key to what has been researched. So, the
researcher used descriptive research because it is about data that is presented
by using some words. It is to observe about the syntactical analysis of
sentence pattern on the LKS book.
Best, J.W, khan, J,V state in Adnan Latif’s book “ Research Methods
on Language Learning Introduction” that descriptive research design are used to
describe the condition one of step that is important for descriptive
qualitative research. The researcher can get information or data which needed
by the researcher and the data appropriate with the purpose of research.
In this research the researcher takes steps as instrument and also
collect data by observation in institution, the researcher know and understand
more image about object of research. The data
of this research are LKS book.
Research Setting
In this study, the researcher choose LKS book in
SMPI Darul Ulum as research setting. SMPI Darul Ulum is one of the schoolthat
there is in tampojung Tenggina village.
Data source
Data source is a subject which the researcher gets the data. The
source of data can be divided into two types. The first type is a person who
answers the researcher’s question by oral or written. The second one is the
thing or process of the moment whether the researcher obtaining the data by
observation or documentation[57].
There are two points of data source. They are subject and object. Following as:
Usually, the data have gotten from two sources such.
Subject of Research
of research is everything dealing with topic being studied that the researcher
wants to investigate in the result study.
on this research, the sources of data as the primary subject of studies is The LKS Book.
Object of Research
object or research is the syntactical analysis on
constituent test error in hierarchical structure of syntax. The
data gotten from analysis as well.
Data Collection Procedure
Collecting data means identifying and selecting individual for a
study, obtaining their permission to study them and gathering information by
asking people question or observing their behaviors.[58]
It means data collection is a data can make a data with identifying and
selecting individual for a study and also to get the data here. The researcher
must analysis having a method in collecting
the data is necessary in accomplishing this research.
In this research entitled a syntactic analysis onconstituent test error in hierarchical structure of syntax.
The researcher applied descriptive qualitative method to make description
accurately and systematically. In collecting the data the researcher followed
this steps:
1. Have or borrow
the LKS book of SMPI
2. Analyzing the
sentence which taken from LKS book.
3. Drawing the
formula of each analyze the sentence.
4. In this
research, the researcher used two kind of collecting the data, those are
observation and documentation.
According to Sugiono in his book that “Observation is one of ways
to get the data. Observation is a technique which is observes the students’ or
subject’s attitude.”[59]
While Mohammad Adnan Latiefsaid that “observation is used as a technical term
in research with its specific meaning.[60]
It means that observation is a technique in qualitative research to
observe the data and to make the data is valid. In this research the researcher
use text observation to observe the data, because this research analyze about syntactical analysis on LKS book. So, this is need LKSto collect and analyze the data.
Documentation is one of instruments that used in qualitative
research design which used to collect the data by using picture, magazine,
newspaper, personal journal, minutes of meetings, letters and other important
It means that, the researcher can get the data from the LKS book.
From the kinds of instruments above, the
researcher also use instrument of documentation to make more accurate the
data.Actually, the main point of this research is analyzing the data about syntax in the LKS book.By
using this instrument, the researcher can make the data more accurate and also
will support the data.
Data Analysis
Miles and Huberman states that data analysis involves reviewing the
data while they are being collected and attempting to synthesize and make sense
out of what is observed. After the data is obtained, the researcher processes
the data using steps below[62]
Data reduction
In the steps of data analysis, the researcher should do the data
reduction, namely the researcher analyze the data by reduce it firstly. It
occurs because the researcher will give clear image about the data. And also it
makes the researcher easier to collect data. It is taken based on the result of
observation, and documentation here, the researcher determine the object of the
research, that is syntactical analysis on LKS book.
Data display
After the data reduction is done, the researcher will carry it to
the data display. In this case, the researcher will make the data to be simple.
Commonly, it can be in form of description, flowchart, graphic, etc.[63].
In this case, the researcher will display about a syntactical analysis on LKS
book. And analyze the sentence pattern and also drawing the formula of each
analyzed sentence.
Drawing Conclusion and Verification
In this step, the researcher will conclude the data which is
obtained after do the data reduction and data display. The conclusion of data
will answer the research focus and it will be discussed in chapter four.
Checking of Data Validity
In validity of data the researcher use triangulation technique.
Lexi J. Moleong divided triangulation technique some kinds, they are[64]:
1. Triangulation
of data source combines data drawn from different times, in different places or
different people.
2. Investigator
triangulation is characterized by the use of different observer or
interviewers, to balance out the subjective influences of individuals.
3. Triangulation
of theories means, approaching data with multiple perspectives and hypothesis
in mind.
4. Methodological
triangulation ‘within-method’ and between method.
research will use triangulation of
theories. The researcher will analyze the data fromLKS book. Then, the
researcher will conclude the result of this research.
The Steps of Research
In this section, the researcher explain about the process of the
conducting research from the background of writing of research until the
writing thesis proposal. There are three steps in conducting the research as
The researcher choose sthe problem and make research context.
2. Steps of implementation
researcher will choose the LKS book as data and then takes the data from there.
Steps of analysis of data
researcher will classify the sentence pattern that appear on LKS book then the
sentence will be analyze.
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